Sun Ray United Methodist Church

Our History

For months before any service was held in Sun Ray, the Frostproof Methodist pastor watched with concern the progress of the new community as it began to take shape and new residents occupy their homes. Soon a request came to Rev. Ed. Dinkins from Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benson, asking Pastor Dinkins to start holding services in the community building. On Sunday, November 30, 1960, the first worship took place with 40 people attending. During the months that followed services were held each Sunday at 9 A.M. with Rev. Dinkins serving as pastor. During the months of July and August no services were held.

In the spring of 1961 the Lakeland District Board of Church Extensions, under the leadership of Rev. R. A. Allen, District Superintendent, purchased three acres of land just behind the community building for $4,500.00 at the northwest corner of Raymond Avenue and Henry Street. September 1962 saw Rev. John Rooks appoint Mr. Frank Ivey as Student Pastor of the Sun Ray congregation.

During the first 26 months the church was recognized as a mission church, but on January 27, 1963, the church became officially organized. Officers and leaders of the church were elected and 20 were received into membership. These new members and friends came from many different denominations and many states, believing that Sun Ray should have a church and committing themselves to work faithfully and sacrificially to make it a reality. Ground was broken for the church building in 1964.

We look forward to continued ministry in the Sun Ray community. May God bless our tomorrows as He has our yesterdays.

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